In this article, you will learn how to upload multiple orders into Marketplace using a CSV file import.
Solution: Understanding how to use the Upload Orders tool.
Video: How to use the upload orders tool.
Where to Locate It
Click on Orders in the top menu bar, then click the Upload Orders button in the top right.
Once you’ve clicked Upload Orders you will be taken to the main upload orders page. If you haven’t downloaded the CSV Template, do this first by clicking Download CSV Template.
Fill in the template with all your order information and save it as a CSV file.
Creating an Upload Order
Click Upload CSV. The system will automatically create a separate order for each row from your template. If the file is large, the Status may say PROCESSING. If not, the file should upload immediately.
Once the document has been fully uploaded the status will change to SUCCESS.
Correcting Errors
If you upload your template and your CSV returns errors, you will see a Fix Issues button.
When you click the Fix Issues button a new window will open that will allow you to correct any issues right in the platform, without having to go back into your original template.
Any error messages will be displayed in red. You can use the vertical and horizontal scroll bars to ensure you have corrected all the errors.
When everything looks correct, hit the “Submit” button.
Reviewing & Submitting
With a successful upload you will see a summary of all your orders with the estimated price off to the right.
If you no longer wish to submit a particular order, you can easily remove that order before submitting. Click the three dot menu on the line item you want to remove (next to the price), then click Remove Order.
After reviewing your orders, hit the Submit button in the bottom right. A box will appear stating that your orders were created successfully.
If you want to review your submitted orders, find your upload and click the blue Creation Results button to the right.
View your submitted orders.
If you have additional questions, please contact us at A Dispatch team member will reach out to you.