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Address Book and Saved Customers
Updated over a week ago

In this article, you will learn about the Dispatch Connect Address Book and how to Save Customers.

Solution: Give users an overview of what the Address Book offers, as well as faster order placement by using our Saved Customer enhancement.


  • You must have a Connect subscription

  • Adding a New Address Through Order

Adding a New Address Through Order

From the Dashboard, you can create a New Delivery. When you begin to type an address in the search box, if it doesn’t already exist, you can save that customer and location.

Address Book and Saved Customers Image 1

If it’s a new address, you’ll see the button that says Save Location To Customer.

Address Book and Saved Customers Image 2

Address Input

In the Address box, you can Select or Enter an Address.

When you have multiple addresses already saved they will show up as you start typing in the Address box. (These saved addresses will have the bookmarks to the left of the address listed.) Or if it’s a new address, the Save Location to Customer button will show up under the Notes section.

Address Book and Saved Customers Image 3

Search Bar

Once you start typing in an address or customer name, your saved customers, as well as any other similar companies or addresses will start to automatically show up in a list allowing you to select the one you want.

Address Book and Saved Customers Image 4

Here are all the fields you can fill in and save for each customer:

  • Customer Name (Which is usually the company name)

  • Contact

  • Notifications

  • Phone (optional)

  • Email (optional)

  • Address

  • Service Duration (optional)

  • Notes

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Note: In order to allow for SMS or Email notifications, the following fields need to be filled out.

  • Notifications: select from None, Both, SMS, or Email

  • You can specify by customer, which notifications you want sent out from the list

Address Book and Saved Customers Image 6

Click Save Customer when everything you want is completed. Once you’ve saved the customer you’ll get the "Customer Saved" message as shown below.

Address Book and Saved Customers Image 7

When you see the Bookmark symbol to the left of the customer or address, you know the customer and address have been saved.

Address Book and Saved Customers Image 8

Address Book in Menu Bar

The Address Book is in the top Connect menu. When you click on it you’ll see this screen listing any customers you have saved (once you start saving some!)

Address Book and Saved Customers Image 9

To view additional addresses under a company name, click More. To shorten the list again, click Less.

Editing or Deleting a Customer

You are able to edit or delete a customer by clicking into the Address Book. Click on the pencil icon to the right of the customer you want to edit or remove.

You can adjust any fields listed as well as click the Add Location button to add a new branch location to your customer’s name. When you’re finished click Save Customer.

To delete a customer, from the Edit Customer screen, click on the Remove Customer button.

Address Book and Saved Customers Image 10

Edit location allows you to edit the location using the adjust location pin to utilize latitude and longitude.

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Create Customer Button

Another way to add a new customer is from the Address Book tab in the top menu, you can click the Create Customer button.

Address Book and Saved Customers Image 12

Default Pickup Address

When you add a new location, you can set the Default Pickup Address by toggling on the option just to the right of the Address field. Save when completed.

Address Book and Saved Customers Image 13


You can decide by customer, which notifications you want them to receive. Here is where you’ll select the checkboxes indicating which of these notifications this customer should get.

Address Book and Saved Customers Image 14

If you have questions, please contact us at A Dispatch team member will reach out to you for support.

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