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Create a New Connect User or Driver
Updated over a week ago

In this article, you will learn how to request a user account and sign in to the Dispatch Connect Web Application.

Solution: Provides you with the ability to create users as needed and the ability to limit permissions as needed.

Creating a Connect User Account

Once you have signed up for your Connect Subscription and have admin access, you can create new users in the Connect Settings. Click on Users in the secondary menu.

Create a New Connect User or Driver Image 1

Then click on Add User.

Create a New Connect User or Driver Image 2

You’ll need the following information for new user setup:

  • User’s First and Last Name

  • User’s Email Address

  • User’s Phone Number

  • Will this user need to access the Mobile App as a Driver? Yes or No

  • An optional photo of the user. If the user is a driver, this photo will be shown to anyone who receives delivery notifications.

Create a New Connect User or Driver Image 3

You will also be required to set permission levels for all your users.

Permission options include:

  • Administrator: can adjust settings and complete any actions available in their Connect account

  • User: create and schedule deliveries only

  • Read-only: can view everything but doesn’t have adding or editing privileges

If you are setting up a driver (Check the Connect Driver box), you can add their photo. This way they know who they can expect to drop off their delivery.

Once complete, the new user will receive a password reset via the email address provided in the Connect.

Editing a User

From the list of users section, there is a pencil icon to the left of the users. Click this to edit any information.

Create a New Connect User or Driver Image 4
Create a New Connect User or Driver Image 5

Deleting a user

To delete a user you go into Connect Settings. Click on the edit user icon, then click remove user.

Receiving User Credentials & Login

The user must use the url link provided in the email to reset their password to obtain Connect access. Once their password has been successfully reset, the user can login.

Creating a Connect Driver

A Connect Driver is permission layered on a Connect User Account. This role can be provisioned by an administrator prior to the driver setting a password and logging into the mobile application.

To successfully provide this permission, the user’s email address cannot already be associated with a Dispatch Marketplace Driver profile (meaning, the user cannot use the same email for Connect as they do driving for Dispatch as an independent contractor).

If you have questions or need help, please contact us at A Dispatch team member will reach out to you for support.

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