Watch the video: Dispatch Connect Free Trial
From the Connect webpage, click Start Free Trial.
If you don't have a Dispatch account, you will be prompted to create one.
If you have a Dispatch account, we will ask for fleet details.
Add your email address.
Create your password. The password must:
be at least 8 characters
contain at least 1 lowercase letter
contain at least 1 uppercase letter
contain at least 1 number
contain at least 1 special character (!@#$%^&*()_+-=[]{}')
Complete the Basic Information section. You will need to provide:
first name
last name
organization name
phone number
organization address
expected number of deliveries per week
You must agree to the terms and conditions. At this step, you'll be able to review the Dispatch Terms of Use Agreement, Dispatch Privacy Policy, and the Dispatch Harassment Policy.
Lastly, click Create Account.
The last step of the process is to complete the fleet information section. Here you'll let us know how many of each type of vehicle are in your fleet and how you typically measure vehicle capacity (e.g. pallets, boxes, etc.).
The final step in the process is to click Start Your Free Trial.
You will be routed directly to your Connect dashboard. From here, you can start entering your deliveries. The system will automatically distribute your deliveries amongst your fleet vehicles and plan the most efficient routes for you!
Remember to take the product tour that appears. This will walk you through the dashboard tools so you can make the most of your trial.
Once your trial begins, someone from Sales will reach out so you have a contact who can answer any questions you may have.
Enjoy Connect!
Getting Started
Step 1: Enter Deliveries
Enter your deliveries either by bulk uploading a CSV file or entering one delivery at a time.
Step 2: Plan Your Day!
Start planning routes by dragging and dropping the deliveries onto a vehicle, or clicking Plan My Route, which will route them onto your vehicles for you!
Step 3: Send to Driver
Select the driver you want on the vehicle and then click the Send to Driver button so they can receive the route! Don't forget to download the Dispatch driver app on iOS or Android.
Step 4: View Completed Deliveries
Check the List View to see completed deliveries and the delivery details, including completed time, pictures, and signatures.
Step 5: Notifications
Finally, you can easily customize all of your notifications for your customers in the settings dropdown!
Learn more to get the most out of your trial
If you have any other questions check out our Knowledge Base articles with step-by-step guides, or feel free to reach out to
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